Girlamatic Syndication Service

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The Modern Tales syndication service allows webmasters to place a constantly-updating version of their favorite comics in the Modern Tales family on their own websites. At any given moment, the latest episode of the syndicated comic will appear within your own web page. Your readers will be drawn back to your website to follow the story (which is, of course, the same reason that newspapers and magazines carry comics). Some percentage of those readers will follow the link back to Modern Tales or one of its sister sites, and eventually choose to subscribe, to gain access to the archives (which is, in turn, analogous to buying a Dilbert paperback). So: your site gets more repeat visits, and our site gets a stream of new readers who would never have found us before. Everybody wins.

Not every Modern Tales family comic is available for syndication. In some cases, the format of a particular series might make it technically inappropriate for plopping into the middle of another website. In other cases, the cartoonists themselves have not chosen to put their work on the syndication cart (the artists own all the rights to their work, and have full power to decide what happens to it). In other cases, a comic may be cancelled or completed (rendering syndication meaningless, since there will be no updates for your site).

A complete list of Modern Tales family comics currently available for syndication follows, as well as a little snippet of code for each comic. All you have to do is copy the code snippet, and then paste it into your own web page’s HTML code. Note that Modern Tales syndication will not work in environments where Javascript is disallowed.

While we don’t require registration or prior approval for use of this feature, our artists do appreciate knowing where and when their comics will appear. Be sure to pop us a note and let us know!

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